When D2C began, we were acting in a humanitarian capacity. Vulnerable children were at risk of starving, abandonment, losing their lives to violence or being sold into domestic slavery.
But we are no longer in the immediate after-math of a disaster and our vision is set on a future where Haiti is economically prospering and its children can grow in safety and security.
D2C has made tremendous strides towards meeting the immediate needs of the most vulnerable children in Cayes Jacmel Haiti since the 2010 earthquake. Our impact can be measured in the physical and emotional growth of the D2C children living in our Family Home.
That said, D2C knows that vulnerable children in Haiti today can easily become vulnerable adults tomorrow. When that happens, each generation is born into the same adverse environment they grew up in and the cycle of poverty will continue causing wreckage in the lives of all in its path. Development occurs when another path is opened up; when education, skills and opportunity co-exist to lead others away from the rut of poverty and offer a better future. To better address this long-term vision, D2C expanded its mission and programs in 2015 to address more systemic and community-wide issues regarding children and education.
D2C is determined that the children participating in our programs find this new path and help carve a new and thriving future for themselves and Haiti. Our achievements are significant, but our work is not over.
The D2C Family Home
In 2012, D2C was established to create a stable Family Home for a group of orphaned, abandoned or enslaved children. D2C developed a long-term family care plan that will see them grow into young adults and become educated, active and contributing citizens of Haiti. In addition to providing vital needs such as shelter, nutritious food and clothing, the D2C Family Home focuses on initiatives that aim to support the children’s overall psycho-social well-being and growth into future leaders who will be able to give back to their community. This includes providing the best available education.

Community Programs
Educational Outreach
D2C developed a partnership with a community school to help ensure a safe and reliable environment for students to obtain a good education, for teachers to be paid a livable wage and receive training, and for community outreach to promote the importance of education for all Haitian youth.
After School Program
Our tutoring program provides targeted lessons to address critical gaps in student’s formal education. The program serves more than 100 children from the Cayes Jacmel village, employs 10 professional educators, and provides a free lunch program.
SEVA Trips
Each year D2C brings groups of people from different walks of life to Haiti on a service trip aimed at supporting our mission and sharing in Haiti's rich culture and history.
Livelihoods & Economic Help
To support the economic independence of the Haitian youth it serves, D2C is developing skills-based and sustainable livelihood programs in partnership with local businesses in the Jacmel region.
Summer Camps
D2C aims to enrich the lives of the D2C family children as well as those of other local children and families during the summer months when children are not in school through active, healthy and educational summer camps.
Environmental Awareness
D2C aims to educate the community around the family home about the importance of waste management and other environmentally friendly practices and habits that are part of daily life in Cayes Jacmel and Haiti.